If you are looking to install salt free water treatment equipment in your home or business, you should learn the facts about product options and product technology.

Culligan offers many salt free options to fit the specific needs of home owners.  These include:

Culligan Soft Water Exchange Softener Service: Regeneration takes place at Culligan. There is no salt or discharge on the customer’s premises.

We also have a number of other filtration products designed to meet your needs.

Culligan Automatic Filters:  We have a full line of Filtration that uses no salt to regenerate. Cullar® Carbon Filter, Filter-Cleer, Iron-Cleer® & Sulfur-Cleer®, and Cullnue Neutralizing Filter.

Whole House Reverse Osmosis:  These systems improve when other technologies do not remove specific problem causing minerals or contaminants* (*contaminants may not necessarily be in your water).

To review other information about Culligan Salt Free solutions, go to http://www.culligan.com/en-us/d/homes/water-softener/salt-free-water-conditioning/